god honors the dreams of the people willing to chase them.
Madison Harrison
Madison had a dream. She wanted to take a photo of the President. Very few people thought she could do it. She showed major ambition, and has the photo to prove it.
Donald Nutting
Three-hour Bike Rides
Donald built almost every house in his neighborhood. He couldn't stand to see them cluttered. For decades, the WWII veteran made it his daily mission to keep his home looking beautiful.
And may the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful. Yes, make our efforts successful! - PSALM 90:17 NLT
Mike Abramowitz
A Sticky Feeding Frenzy
Mike noticed a problem in his community: There were too many people without enough to eat. He didn't have much to work with, but gave all he had to fix the issue.
Pancakes and Pickles
Sy loves pancakes. Sy also loves pickles. Just, not together. But, a waitress' odd breakfast option gave this teenager an idea for a way to boost a baseball field.