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Finding Joy




Written by

Bobby Lewis

A book about seeing God moving in our world even if the news makes it seem like the He's not.


Does it seem like every time you flip on the news, the people on tv make it sound like the world is ending?

it's not. 

the news reports a lot of doom and gloom, but that doesn't mean good news is extinct. god is still working in our mess. 

this book proves iT.

Practicing Perseverance

Practicing Perseverance

In 2016, Bill Orban died. That left his son, Marty, and grandson, Tyler, to run the poinsettia farm that had grown into such a special fixture in the West Florida community over a half-century. That year, Christmas just didn't feel the same. Now, in 2019, the story is repeating itself. Marty died on November 6. Tyler is at the nursery without two crucial loved ones. This is something we are all going to have to deal with sooner or later. Losing a loved one is a crushing event. It's happened twice in three years at a family farm in Bradenton, Fla. When I asked the Orban family if they'd mind being included in the #perseverance chapter of #FJBTH they said yes. It was a chance to share the story of how faith was guiding the family through a tough time after the death of Bill. Faith is still guiding them now that Marty is home in heaven, too. Consider the words of Psalm 18:29. "In your strength, I can crush an army; With my God I can scale any wall". That verse comforts me when I think about how to get through something difficult or overcome an enemy. Sometimes, our biggest enemy is our mind. We miss out on all the GREAT things waiting for us because we are stuck thinking about all the NOT SO GREAT things that crossed our path. The holidays can be tough for families missing loved ones. But, take heart! Psalm 18:29 tells us how to persevere. IN YOUR STRENGTH.... WITH MY GOD... Don't try to get through tough times alone. You'll be let down. Instead, allow God's strength to carry you to better days. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. I pray you recognize the incredible blessings God has bestowed on you this year. It may not have been an easy year but it can still be a thankful year.
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psalm 112:7

They do not fear bad news;
    they confidently trust the Lord to care for them.

1 chronicles


Publish His glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.

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